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Alike Networking Requirements (2.0.8)

Date Added November 24, 2010

Please note:
This article is out of date.  The instructions and contents of this article only apply to v2.08 and earlier.


For the most current version of this article, please see the following page.




Understanding Alike's Networking Requirements.

Alike's networking requirements can be broken down into four categories:

1. Local (on the Alike server itself)
2. Standard Jobs
3. Enhanced Jobs
4. DR Offsite Module

1. On the Alike Server, the Alike services (BackupScheduler and DataVaulter) bind to two TCP ports.  These ports are configurable in the Settings, but default to 2811 and 2812. 

2. For all XenServer communication Alike uses either http or https (TCP port 80 or 443).  Although Alike only communicates with the pool master for all Standard jobs, it is best practice to allow access to http/https on all XenServer hosts in the pool, since the Pool Master role is dynamic.  All Standard Backup, Restore and Replicate jobs also use the same http/https ports when communicating with the XenServer Pool.

3. For Enhanced Backup and Restore jobs, Alike requires additional access to each deployed ABD on TCP ports 22 and 445.  Enhanced jobs must also communicate with the XenPool on http/https.

4.  For communication with your Enterprise Offsite node, Alike will need access to the offsite node on TCP 2811.

Other Considerations.

In order to perform leaf-coalesce jobs in XenServer 5.5, Alike also requires TCP 22 to be open for each XenServer in the job.

Alike supports NAT/PAT for access of any of the XenServer Pool, or its offsite components, as long as the original port numbers are preserved.

If you configure a Proxy Server for use in your environment, Alike will use the proxy settings instead of port 80 and 443.  Alike will not use your proxy for any other required TCP port.

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Last updated on October 21, 2014 with 13761 views


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