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Proxy Support in Alike

Date Added February 16, 2010

Target Platforms:   Hyper-V, Physical Systems, XenServer

As of v1.34, Alike supports both auto detection of proxy settings, as well as manually configured proxies with authentication.  These options can be found under the Settings->Network tab in the Alike UI.

The auto detection setting will respect the settings found under your 'Internet Options' control panel setting.  These are the same settings used for Microsoft Internet Explorer.  Please note, the location of these settings is slightly different on various versions of Microsoft Windows operating systems.

In Windows XP/2003, this can be found:
Control Panel -> Internet Options -> Connections tab -> Lan Settings

For Windows Vista/2008, it is located:
Control Panel -> Network and Internet -> Internet Options -> Connections tab -> Lan Settings

Manually configured proxy settings allow for a proxy server, port, username and password.

To force Alike to not use any proxy settings, you may select "Do not use a Proxy".  This option is available in versions 1.38 and later.


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Category: Alike KB Articles, Hyper-V, Physical Systems, XenServer

Last updated on October 21, 2014 with 12869 views


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