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What's New in Alike v3.5

Date Added September 2, 2014

Target Platforms:   XenServer, Physical Systems, Hyper-V

Packed with more than 20 enhancements, additional functions, and fixes, Alike’s latest release reflects a substantial effort from our Development team. An effort which makes Alike simpler to use, capable of protecting a wider array of platforms with a single solution, and better performance than ever before. Among the many improvements and additions, we're thrilled to deliver our users: 

Hyper-V Improvements
Users of Alike 3.5 will find enhanced performance with Hyper-V. It's also been simplified to make your backup and recovery efforts faster and more easier. There's added functionality as well. Including a complete offering of our Enhanced and Q-Hybrid technologies - making Alike's Hyper-V support nearly identical to our performance on the XenServer platform. You'll get full CSV storage support, as well as support for gen 1 and gen 2 VMs. Enhanced jobs now leverage Hyper-V checkpoints. Allowing for efficient protection of any guest OS. 

Support for Physical Windows Systems
The wait is over! Alike's new P2V support for physical Windows systems is the perfect way to include the remaining, non-virtualized systems in your existing virtual backup and DR plan. It relies on our widely trusted Q-Hybrid technology to deliver the same level of protection we provide to virtual environments. You'll get the same unrivaled global deduplication we're known for along with seamless integration with all existing Alike backups and jobs. Further, it offers instant file level recovery, full VM restoration (to XenServer or Hyper-V) and VHD/VHDx restore. With its DR edition, users get scheduled, depulicated replication from their physical systems to Xen or Hyper-V. All with the same intuitive operation and pricing model our user community has come to expect.

Other Improvements/Additions
Some of the other exciting changes found in Alike v3.5 include: 

 - GPT/UEFI disk support for all Q-Hybrid/Enhanced jobs

 - Improved email notification system

 - Weekly activity summary reports

 - Restore to VHD/VHDX files added for any backup

 - Improved VSS component level integration

 - Many bug fixes and improved error handling/logging

A complete list of all improvements, fixes, and additions can be found in our v3.5 Release Notes. As always, if you have any questions about the product, please feel free to contact us.

Current users under an active maintenance plan may upgrade v3.5 immediately by visiting our Downloads page. 

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Category: XenServer, Physical Systems, Hyper-V, Alike KB Articles

Last updated on September 22, 2017 with 15571 views


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