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Alike Release Notes

Date Added June 3, 2013

Please report any problems to our support team asap. Your feedback helps us keep our software up to date and bug-free.

Current Alike Version: 4.6.3  
Build: 7724
Updated: 9/7/2018

Alike Version Initial Release Date Release Notes What's New
v4.6 December 19, 2017 Release Notes What's New
v4.5 June 23, 2016 Release Notes What's New
v4.2 April 3, 2016 Release Notes What's New
v4.1 January 14, 2016 Release Notes What's New
v4.0 October 25, 2015 Release Notes What's New


Alike Version Release Date Release Notes What's New
v3.5.1** February 23, 2015 Release Notes  
v3.5 December 15, 2014 Release Notes What's New
v3.0.8 October 3, 2014 Release Notes  
v3.0.7 June 10, 2014 Release Notes  
v3.0.6 May 8, 2014 Release Notes  
v3.0.5 January 13, 2014 Release Notes What's New
v3.0.4 December 6, 2013 Release Notes  
v3.0.3 October 17, 2013 Release Notes  
v3.0.2 September 17, 2013 Release Notes What's New
v3.0.1 August 20, 2013 Release Notes What's New
v3.0.0 June 4, 2013 Release Notes  


 **XenServer Customers: Please note that Alike v3.x supports up to Citrix XenServer v6.5.
To get support for XenServer v7.0 and up, you will need to upgrade to Alike v4.x.

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Category: Alike KB Articles

Last updated on September 7, 2018 with 1250717 views


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